Game Based Language Learning – GABALL

Programme: Lifelong Learning Programme

Project Number: 531327-LLP-1-2012-1-PT-KA2-KA2MP

Contact Person: Irena Rashkova


  • Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto(ISEP), Portugal
  • Virtual Campus LDA, Portugal
  • TechnicalUniversity of Gabrovo(TUG), Bulgaria
  • Kaunas University of Technology(KUT), Lithuania
  • INVESLAN, Spain
  • Hellenic Regional Development Center (HRDC), Greece


The current framework of the financial crisis, started in 2008, reinforced the urgent need for companies to internationalise their businesses.The domain of communication skills is not only useful to drive sales and marketing but is also required an integration of skilled, multilingual and multicultural vision, enabling companies to building strategic and lasting business relations.

For that purpose, it is particularly relevant to select innovative instruments for self-learning, in personal and real development environments (serious game), allowing flexible and interactive learning, when there is time, and over real and challenging situations that they face or will face in the internationalization process.

To do this, it is crucial to encourage and support the development of innovative ICT, based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning and to reinforce the quality and attractiveness of VET systems and practices in order to contribute to the continual improvement of the quality of service provided by the VET market. The use of video games for learning is effective due to the following characteristics: they are motivational, they are cooperative and they meet educational objectives, they allow the resolution of problematic situations, they allow the application of concepts in practical situations, they are interdisciplinary, they favour expression and cultural awareness, respect for others, teamwork and cooperative learning.